Anagogical guiding principles
OMNI Hypnosis int. // Hypnose.NET
Basic ideas
- Continuous human progress is at the heart of what we do. We see ourselves not only as a provider of training and further education in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, but also as a pioneer for the development of individual potential.
- We are convinced that learning is a lifelong process that goes far beyond conventional educational concepts. The knowledge and methods of hypnosis and hypnotherapy offer us a unique platform to promote individual and collective growth and well-being in a profound and sustainable way.
- The andragogical guiding principles are a binding basis for all persons involved in training at OMNI Hypnosis International. They serve as a basis for the ongoing improvement and further development of the quality of education and the educational offer.
- We attach great importance to looking after and supporting our graduates in their day-to-day work by answering questions and providing input immediately.
- We are committed to practical and needs-based educational programs and sustainable learning.
- We are guided by the principles of WZW (effective, expedient, economical) - both in terms of training and the practical application of what we have learned.
- The content of our courses is communicated in a practical and target group-oriented manner.
- We are politically and denominationally neutral
- We see ourselves as a community. We value the individual contribution of each person and see ourselves as a network of learning and growth. We focus on people - with all their skills, goals and challenges.
Our participants …
- are specifically prepared for the desired degree in terms of their professional competence, their ability to act and their self-competence.
- are taught in such a way that they gain the greatest possible benefit for themselves, their degree and their professional activity.
- take personal responsibility for achieving their personal training goals.
Our instructors …
- have the necessary specialist qualifications for the area to be taught.
- teach with enthusiasm, empathy and professionalism
- treat participants with respect and at eye level
- are based on the objectives of the corresponding further training.
- work with forms of learning that enable practice-oriented learning.
- take into account the needs and resources of the participants.
- encourage our participants to learn independently. support participants in their learning process by means of constructive assessment and an open and fair feedback culture.
Our educational institute …
- regularly reviews our training quality and continuously improves it in accordance with ISO 9001 standards.
- is primarily based on the needs and interests of our stakeholders.
- continuously reviews the existing range of services and remains open to new ideas and improvements in line with the Kaizen philosophy
- attaches great importance to the necessary consistency and sustainability as well as good availability of our range.
- uses the possibilities of modern technology and provides graduates with learning content and the opportunity to exchange ideas via an online academy so that our customers can learn, revise and communicate regardless of time and place.
- make binding statements on the content and quality of training and further education in our invitations to tender.
- invests in the research, promotion and recognition of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.